AlpStar industrial climbers > Sealing Joints by Climbers

Expansion Joint Caulking and Sealing in Kyiv

Seam sealing

Some day or other, most people living in panel buildings in Kyiv are faced with the problem of unsealing of expansion joint. This results in draughts in apartment, freezing of walls, and leads to damp and mould on the internal surface of walls. Expansion joints are the weakest part in buildings of such type.

Having solid experience and using innovative materials, Alp Star team of rope access professionals offers a whole scope of expansion joint caulking services:

  • Inspection of façade to reveal any damage in joint water-proofing (photo report);
  • Initial caulking of expansion joints;
  • Secondary caulking (without stripping back of joints);
  • Secondary caulking of joints (with partial stripping back);
  • Secondary caulking (with filling joints with Vilaterm insulation cord and water-proofing);
  • Caulking by using the Warm Seam technology;
  • Caulking and sealing of canopies, balconies and roofs in Kyiv;
  • Caulking and sealing of flashing and glass units.

Taking into account the severity of joint damage, our experienced abseilers will choose a proper technology, relevant materials (Hermabutyl (butyl rubber mastic sealant), Oksiplasts (two component polyurethane sealant), Elur (multi-component sealant) and Saziplast (non-shrinking caulk) and do caulking of joints and seams in a high quality manner. We offer a three-to-five-year warranty depending on the selected type of materials.

The cost of caulking services depends on the following:
  • Selected technology (go to ARTICLES section to get more information about the applied technologies;
  • Material to be used (as the cost of materials varies sharply);
  • Scope of works to be performed (when ordering to caulk 5 LM, the cost of one linear meter will be rather higher than the cost of one linear meter when ordering to caulk all joints of an apartment or a whole building section).

Minimum cost of works and materials per 1 LM is 150 UAH.

If you want to get free-of-charge consultation or invite our specialist, please contact us at
+380 67 258 2999 or by e-mail at